Becoming Accredited

Procedure for Accreditation and Certification:

  1. To be fully accredited, the school must be in operation for two years in order to establish a school record. If a school has been in operation two years when the application is made, then full accreditation can be granted upon evaluation.
  2. When application is made by a new school, the following procedures will be followed:
    • 1st Year – The school operates as an “approved schoor. A department representative will visit the school and will explain requirements for accreditation.
    • 2nd Year – the evaluation is based on the data gathered in yearly forms and from the site visit.
  3. Accreditation involves two types of ratings:
    • Single A -“A”
    • Double A -“AA” (A school can go from “A” to “AA” when the criteria is met.)

Procedure for Obtaining “AA” rating:

  1. Acquire an SAT or ACT school code number.
  2. Principal must:
    • Have a minimum of a bachelor degree from a Bible or secular college.
    • Attend ALJC National Apostolic Christian School Competition.
  3. Teachers (supervisors, monitors, etc.) must:
    • Have or be working toward a bachelor degree.
    • Have applied for teacher certification from ALJC Christian Education Accreditation and Certification Department.
  4. Dress requirements must be published in the school student handbook.
  5. Complete ALJC yearly data form and return to administrative office on an annual basis.
  6. Use a standardized achievement test to show yearly academic growth of students. The school must maintain a yearly testing schedule without interruption.
  7. School grade average should not be less than 84%.
  8. Maintain the proposed schedule of curriculum growth recommended by curriculum supplier.
  9. Involvement in a district or national event for interaction with other schools.
  10. Encourage students to participate in SAT or ACT testing. The school must retain scores in students’ personal files.